Stabilized Properties
Acquisition Opportunities in the US

International Capital's activities focus on the acquisition of properties with:
- Stand-alone Ground Leases or Absolute Carefree Net Leases without or limited landlord responsibilities,
- Long-term lease agreements with corporate leases or guaranteed by corporate entities,
- In need-driven industries
- Retail: Grocery Stores, Drug Stores/ Pharmacies, Quick Service Restaurants, etc.
- Medical: Clinics, Hospitals & Urgent Cares
- Tenants rated as investment grade or comparable credit.

For further inquiries about International Capital’s stabilized investments, please contact:

Martina Crevecoeur, CCIM
Senior Vice President of Acquisitions / Dispositions
469-687-2500 Office

Franziska Schroeder
Acquisitions / Dispositions Associate
+1 469 687-2500 Office